Thursday, July 26, 2012

Hush Little Baby

million of things need to do! 

the house, the December thing. and oh, need to bring my dear sweetheart for a medical check up again next week, sian the lil one kena ambil darah lagi. it breaks my heart to see him crying in pain. 

Encik Suami bought two tickets again for next year's gateway. 
He proposed China but im thinking of Koreaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. 
sa mau ba jumpa c Lee Min Ho. 

hah! hopefully semua pun okay la. 
me signing off now. 


p/s: happy belated birthday to me. 

& Happy Fasting guys. 

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

finally, my own home sweet home.

a new house. 

working on it ;)