Friday, November 11, 2011

TAGGED on 11.11.11

nooo, im not going to lay on my bed again doing nothing and dreaming! 
altho it hurts, but blogging might help to ease the pain :D

Ive been tagged! by d lovely Pitot
so, here we go. 
let's see what we have here. 

ok, here's the rules. 
1st>>Terms and Conditions<<

1.You must post these rules.
2.Each person must post 11 things about themselves in their journal.
3.Answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post. And create eleven new questions for the people you tagged to answer.
4.You have to choose 11 people to tag and link them on the post.
5.Go to their page and tell them you have tagged HIM/HER
6.No tag back!!
7.No stuff in the tagging section about "YOU ARE TAGGED IF YOU ARE READING THIS" YOU LEGITIMATELY (a.k.a REALLY, TRUST, WITH ALL HONESTY) have tagged 11 people.

i just copied. haha

2nd>>Each Person Must Post 11 Things About Themselves in Their Journal<<

great, perfect with today's date ! :D

1. i loves singing. i loves microphone. i loves music. i loves karaoke ing. 

 2. i compose songs some times. but no one really knows cause im sucks doing it. haha

3. i have a huge crush with Adam Lavine. (Marry me!! Marry me!!)

4. i am sooo allergic with FAKE PEOPLE. like, seriously. if you wanna be friends to me and bitch me behind, you're just wasting your time. grow up. talk to my face if you dare. 

5. i am allergic to people BODOH SOMBONG & PERASAN BAGUS. if u ever experienced these kind of species, then u'll know how i feel. u know like, they negatively comment on your work but they arent doing theirs THAT perfectly, in fact, 3 times worst than mine. some even left untouched for months. and hey, kipas kipas panta* mr. big boss lagii, i gelii sungguh jenis orang begini.   

6. Adele 'Someone Like You' is my current favorite song!! :D

7. i always wanted to visit Korea. 

8. i wanna marry Lee Min Ho @_@ 

9. i always believes in Karma. what goes around, comes around. 

10. i wanted to have babies and name them after my second name =D

11. Right now, at this moment, all i wish i a healthy body, mind & soul. i just want to get back to normal. 

3rd (a) >>Answer the Questions the Tagger Set For You in Their Post<<

1.The story and meaning behind your blog name.

it mean alot. and i cant explained. haha

2. What is Your favourite LOVE quote?

LOVE is feeling close at heart, mind, body & soul. 

3. Do you read? What is your favourite book?

Chicken Soup, Eclipse, Breaking Dawn & Love, Dating and Marriage. 

4. A place you wish to go.


5.Three things you want to say to three different peoples.

SANTA CLAUS - can i have 5 wishes this year?
DAD & MUM - I love you wholeheartedly. 
GOD - i am a sinners. Forgive me Father. 

6. What is the best Love Story you ever watched?

LOTS. i mean, LOTS. 
The Notebook, Pearl Habour (My heart will always goes for Danny), Full house and etc.

7. Seven things that cross your mind now?

sum from 1 to 7 : i cant wait for Christmas!

8. One thing you wish you can have right now.

A healthy Body. 

9. Name something you dislike about the day you're having.

Unhealthy Body.

10. If the world were to end tomorrow, what will you do with your remaining time on earth?

Ask for forgiveness? 
and sharing love. 

11. Screenshot / PrintScreen Your Desktop

When i was in Singapore.

3rd (b) >> And Create 11 New Questions for the People You Tagged to Answer

1.What is your biggest FEAR?
2. What were you like when you were a kid?
3.When was the 1st time you had beer? Did something happened?
3.If you could change something about yourself, what would it be & why?
4. Do you think that age difference is important when dating? Why?
5. Chinese Food? Malay Food? Indian Food? Which one you prefer? List 3 of your fav food.
6. What will you do if someone you trust from the beginning, lied to you?
7. If you could have lunch with 1 famous person, who will it be?
8. If you have to choose between Money, Fame and Freedom, what would you choose and why?
9. When was the first time you met with your BF? Can remember the date?
10. One song that reminds you of someone you really love.
11. A funny/crazy picture of you.

again. i just copied from Pitot. haha


1.What is your biggest FEAR?
Failure. but it helps me improve. 

2. What were you like when you were a kid?
i was the skinny kid who loves watching Disney's cartoon and spending almost my days with my dearly bestfriend, Gomoi Yap. 

3.When was the 1st time you had beer? Did something happened?
Ohh, crap! it was years ago. 

4.If you could change something about yourself, what would it be & why?
Nothing, but if u ask me if i can change something to improve, then i would taking more care about my healthy so i wont have to suffer now. 

5. Do you think that age difference is important when dating? Why?
no. Has anyone told you AGE IS JUST A NUMBER? and cough* Love is Blind. 

6. Chinese Food? Malay Food? Indian Food? Which one you prefer? List 3 of your fav food.
Chinese Fooooooooood, Mee Tuaran Goreng/Tauhu Sumbat/Dumpling

7. What will you do if someone you trust from the beginning, lied to you?

8. If you could have lunch with 1 famous person, who will it be?
Lee Min Ho @_@

9. If you have to choose between Money, Fame and Freedom, what would you choose and why?
Money can buy happiness. but money can buy things we love, and it makes us happy. 
Fame, i never wished to have one. i am okay being ordinary
Freedom, in which terms? marriage, dating, working, living? Freedom is what we deserve, but sadly human kind seems to misunderstood this term now. 

10. One song that reminds you of someone you really love.
For the First Time - Rod Steward

11. A funny/crazy picture of you.

last Christmas with my cousins.
yay! im done! sooooo, now your turn! 

I am tagging to all my blogger friend list.



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