Sunday, August 14, 2011

Teatime, at 12midnight.

a lonely afternoon on ordinary day.
i spent most of my hours with staring at the door.
my, i wish i have done something better.


Yana & i made some kuih just now. kuih onde-onde & kuih lenggang.
it was my first time making it, ive never thought it would be that simple altho it turned out to be a pale version! haha but hey, ain't the taste matters the most?? :P we had a tea right after that, the three of us including Chris, our new house mate.

we had The Bachelor (o gosh, he's not really that charmed, and 12 ladies to win his heart?) and Grey's Anatomy entertained us.

we were laughing and sharing all night long.

it was a moment to remember. great moment indeed.


looking for the next kuihhhhh!

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