first kami go wisma, pigi buy engagement gift tuk my buddy, Moi :) My buddy, Cuzzie happen to work at this gift shop, cannot mentioned the name, AND things i really like about her is that we can buy a gift at a discount price :P thats why we love her so much.. hehehe then kami went to food court for lunch, tunggu my buddies punya time rehat - TUNG AND MOI. we had lunch together. Laughing and glimpse things in the past, also plan for a trip to Labuan for our gathering this January.. tia sabar ni. Moi gave me this engagement gift.. weee.. dia punya gift time tunang ni, kiut btul. Da nama dorang lagi ni, MOI & ALEX.
Lepas My dear buddies balik office, kami go Tai Yang Bookstore.. mau beli Shin Chan ep 48, hehehe.. sampat ma sa beli 2 pen. tu pun mau kasi tau kan. haha ba, then kami pigi City Mall. Mula-mula sa fikir mau beli Big Apple Donut tapi last2 tia jadi, kami pusing-pusing trus t'nampak ni Karaoke Box, macam K-Box tapi luas sikit sama tempat duduk pun selesa ni..
PRICE: RM1 1 Song, RM5 1/2 Hour, RM10 1 Hour.
brabis ni sa nyanyi even sound system dia tia bagus.. kami sampat nyanyi Endless Love, End Of the World, Especially For You, Hate that i love You sama ntah pa yang len tu hehehe..
enjoy saja kan padahal exam bulum abis hahaha..
Thanks dear for today :)
i have to start study tonight!
ba, tu sajala tuk ni ari.. hehehe..
wa~~siapa yang bertunang? si gomoi ka..?? hehehe ^_^
hehehe.. iya, dia la tu belle. mau kawin suda nt tahun dapan. siok ni :P
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