Friday, September 18, 2009

Raymes & Agnes' Engagement

History day for Raymes M. Atong & Agnes Samuil.
One hour and a half journey to Kota Belud, to witness these two lovely couple ex-change rings was awesome! I met Agnes for the first time at Dd's bro's wedding's reception. She was absolutely sweet and they made a perfect couple ^^

A ceremony wont complete without ACARA MAKAN!
The foods taste superb! i love the sweet + sour + spicyless Fish.
No exact date for the wedding yet, but hopefully soonest! so i can eat more of this fish! haha
C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S!!

1 comment:

nc said...

hi, :) thnks for dropping by at my home..:)

congrats to the newly engaged couple..cantik o itu gmbr..esp yg ada makanan..blck n white..n tiba2 ada warna. nice :)