Sunday, May 15, 2011


dine at Subway Restaurant yesterday with my guy & jijul, a dearly friend of us, for a match between M.U & Black burn. Oh, by the way, Congratulations Manchester United! my, they have won for the 19th times in English league. how awesome was that?

anyhoo, we asked this guy (but really he-she like) for a bill at d end of the match. and he goes:

he-she: okay.. semuanyaaaa.. emm, RM72.80
us: HAH? mahal juga.
he-she: yala, memang mahal. ni restaurant kan, restaurant yang.. emm, okay .. cuba kmu p sanaaa restaurant, mahal jg tu.
(as he handed the bill to my guy)

us: mahal juga ni, suda la tia sedap.
he-she: aii, tia sedap tapi abis juga pun makannn..
us: manada abis, ni masi banyak lagi tinggalan
he-she: ni, kmu tapau ni chicken wings..
jijul: ni sa tapau mau kasi makan kucing sa..

few minutes later. he back with the balance.

he-she: okay la.. memandangkan boss kami baik hati, dia kasi kurang kamu suda.
us: berapa dia kasi kurang?
he-she: emmmmm... (looking carefully at the bill)
us: *waiting*
he-she: kami rugiiii.... emmmm, 80 sen.

he-she: ishh, okay la ba. cerewet btul. (sambil cubit lengan jijul!!)


oh my gawd. he is so cute! if only i can captured his face reaction and post it here. oh my. It's Monday again. timeeee flies fast. dont you think so?

happy monday guys.

later ~

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