Tuesday, March 31, 2009


Macam cepat btul masa pass me by o ;
it's going to be April 2009 tomorrow.

April's fool kan, my first fool kena today is from my bf. Tapi i said it's INVALID! sebab today belum lagi officially 1st April, altho he insists today is the fool's night [ whatever? ]

anyway, anyway..
i'll be off to kl this may, for my graduation.
so much thing to do this year.
harap2 suma okay saja hehe

nothing much happen today except that bloody witch asked me to do her stupid work again ; but i refused, cause shes asking me a favour NOT in a proper way and.... it has nothing to do with my work. i mean, paying her astro bill?

our office dont have TV ya.

hows your tuesday? let me know :)




Angelina said...

ko belum tau lagi apa jadi sama sa. kin malu!!!

td pagi sa bangun sa ingat hari ni 1 april. trus ada la kawan sa ni baru bangun juga kan. kami breakfast la sama2. trus diam2 sa bpikir apa sa mo kac kena dia. selalunya sa x main ba benda2 mcm ni. sbb sa x suka kena, so sa x mo kac kena. tp xtau la apa jadi pagi ni. haha.

okeh sambung cerita.. sa menjalankan la april fool sa tu. apa sa buat tu, x penting la. lepas sa cakap 'april fool!!' kuat2 kan, kawan sa terpinga2 ni. trus dalam hati sa, 'gotcha!' suda. lepas tu ni perbualan kami.

kwn: kemarin berapa hb?
sa: 30. kenapa?
kwn: *blank*
sa: (dalam hati). eh, bulan 3 ada berapa hari ah. kira2.. hah!! 31! so hari ni 31!
kwn: angel, hari ni 31hb kan?
sa:............. *terdiam*

punya bikin malu!! haha. moral of d story, jgn la kac april fool orang sebelum tengok kalender. haha!

p/s: uih pnjang juga ni. haha.

ღ NinieJane ღ said...

hahahaha Angel, lucu o!! confident a 1st April!! hahahaha... tiapa, tiapa.. advance april fool jg hehehehe