Wednesday, October 15, 2008


Kobie Vanessa,Check Spelling
Little Inbox,
will do the tag soon :)
I promised ~ hehe
Scratch... Scratch..Scratch..
I stop scratching my tummy a month ago, the medicine really work on me.. but last night, due to 'insufficient' food we had, i ate this sambal ikan masin ( yumieeeee!! ) made by Sharon's mum. I finished them. It tasty!!!! I should ask Mum to made that..
And i scratch again... again and again..
Again.. then, again..
OK, Helenah told me to stop scratch. Nanti macam tu perut ibu2 yang lepas lahir baby she said. But, tummy? why must the itchy started @ my tummy?
Ba, should complete my report now. One more left. Tinggal satu lagi trus tia pyh fkir pa2 lagi except tests. mcm besa.
Should end?

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