Thursday, July 17, 2008

Meals Desire :P

Can't wait for Friday to come :P i know2, there's only few hours left before tomorrow but geeee.. IT IS TRUE people said " Waiting is misery! " .. and I've listed the meals i wanna eat this weekend (which i can hardly get them in hostel ).. Poor Ninie! haha..

It's been a busy week for me.. I only have mee for stomach most of the time and kinda bored with it. Last nite in our cafe, i ordered Mee Hoon Goreng ayam.. and when the ordered came after 30 minutes ( Duh!!) it was actually Mee Hoon Goreng telur fichcake ( me allergic to egg for ur info ).. It was the second time my ayam turn to fishcake. Ya, poor them.. cant even differentiate between and the chicken and fish.. So, to avoid the hunger killing me no more, I stick with the order.. emm, only for last nite. (No other choice in fact) huhu

So, i'll surely chase for these food tomorrow.. muahahaha ( the evil laughter! )

1. KFC

2. Big Apple Donut :)

3. Tuaran Mee

4. Fish n Co

Yumie!! Enough with these four... Basically, im a real small person..

But i have a 100,000G space in my stomach ( or maybe larger than that :P )




Miss Mum's yumie chillie,

Ninie Jane


KaDusMama said...

amboi...amboi!!! bukan main lagi ko mau makan nie ah!! ahahaha!! kalah terus sia..


jan lupa blnja sa di Fish & co. ah...hehehehehhe *wink wink*